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Darrell Issa is taking contributions from Granite Construction. They want to build a huge, open pit quarry in Temecula that will not only be a huge scar on the landscape, it will be an environmental problem. It will put 1400 of those huge trucks on I-15 every day. It’s going to cause silica dust to be blown into Temecula valley, and the way that the environment is there, there’s a nice breeze that blows in from the Pacific, which is why people like to live in Temecula. What that breeze is going to have in it now is the same thing that causes black lung disease, Miner’s Lung. You’re going to have a whole generation of children growing up with asthma and lung disease as a result of this quarry. Darrell Issa takes money from this company, and you can’t tell me that that doesn’t influence his decisions.

— Jeeni Criscenzo