Fukushima: Ongoing Lessons

Mr. Naoto Kan, former Prime Minister of Japan
Dr. Gregory Jaczko, Former Chairman United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Ralph Nader, American, political activist, as well as an author, lecturer, and attorney
Then there are individuals who have less of a problem with the question of radioactivity:
Statistics are skewed
Dr. McCollough’s position used to be considered the diametrically opposed view of what is called the Linear No Threshold Approach.

There are a number of scientists who believe that the less radiation you have in your life, the better; the lower your candidacy for radiation related issues (i.e. cancer). Arnie Gundersen of FaireWinds.org is one such individual.

One acronym in the video below is B.E.I.R. BEIR Biological Efects of Ionizing Radiation states that radiation exposure and cancer are linear: the more radiation you are exposed to, the greater your likelihood of contracting cancer.

Cancer Risk UnderEstimated in Japan: Arnie Gundersen & Ian Goddard p1/2

Examples cited in the video:
100 REM (1 Sv) Exposure = 1/10 chance of contracting cancer
10 REM (100 mSv) = 1/100 chances of contracting cancer
1 REM (10 mSv) = 1/1000 chances of contracting cancer

The Japanese government is currently encouraging its citizens to return to areas where the exposure rate will be 2 REM (20 mSv)