
Malthus had a vision that humanity would be unable to continue a path of unchecked growth as it would outstrip its resources, specifically with respect to a society’s ability to feed itself. With a current estimated population of seven billion, heading toward nine billion in twenty years it could be that island Earth and Easter Island have more in common than ocean and sky.

Peter Terezakis

Why food riots are likely to become the new normal

“We now know that the fundamental triggers for the Arab spring were unprecedented food price rises. The first sign things were unravelling hit in 2008, when a global rice shortage coincided with dramatic increases in staple food prices, triggering food riots across the middle east, north Africa and south Asia. A month before the fall of the Egyptian and Tunisian regimes, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reported record high food prices for dairy, meat, sugar and cereals.” – The Guardian