Vote to shut down San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant

Not surprising, but it appears that our government has succumbed once again to the influence of big business.

A well-intended initiative has been distorted by an extremely biased report from the Legislative Analyst’s Office which considers every imaginable and invented negative fiscal impact that might come from closing down our two nuclear power plants in California. Little consideration at all is given to the devastating effects an accident at either of these plants would have on our economy.

A poll in the OC Register (intentionally or not) uses these distortions to sway public opinion against closure of these plants. You can help to correct this imbalance by voting YES right now before the poll closes. You should see a place to vote just below the short article, right before the Comments section. There should be two circular buttons (not triangles) which will allow you to vote. Please be aware that you may need to refresh the screen to see it properly, as this has been a problem reported by others.

Please send this request to all your contacts. Thanks for being part of the solution. (Current voting is at 444 YES to 583 NO)

One thought on “Vote to shut down San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant”

  1. Japan is not using 52 of its 54 reactors. California has previously shut down one of its 3 reactors. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) shut down 8 reactors. Germany has shut down 8 reactors. Switzerland plans to shut down all its reactors. In February England shut down its oldest reactor. There have been no dramatic reactions from the shut down of these plants. The world has not stopped. People still have electricity. Electric bills have not skyrocketed (actually my water bill has gone up thousands of dollars, so explain that). But the chance of a terrible accident ruining life for millions of Southern California people does exist. Who wants to take that chance?

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